Andrew Selondo is a student at the TSiBA Business School in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2017 TSiBA received a grant to develop its library and to provide training to the librarians about a new online lending system. Part of the project also included a training session for students.
“I grew up in an environment that did not encourage the habit of reading; I couldn't see reading as a tool to develop one's mind. This had a knock on effect on the way I looked at myself. My vocabulary and writing skills were underdeveloped; however that later changed after I started reading regularly. Reading has allowed me to confidently articulate myself. Also I noticed the simple act of borrowing a book from the TSIBA library had a huge impact on me. Of course, I am a testimony of such impact. Since I have embraced reading my perspectives have never been the same.
The TSIBA library has not only inspired me to immerse myself with bountiful knowledge but has also allowed me to step outside my comfort zone, inspiring me to share my learnings and the profound effect reading had on me. In 2018, I started a Book Club on campus with some of my fellow students. We don't only meet regularly in the Library to discuss the book of the month; we reached out to various preschools in Langa and we visit them on Fridays to voluntarily read stories to children. The aim is to enable children to enjoy reading books not only because it is mandatory, but for fun, to stretch their creativity and imagination.
It has always been my dream to create a legacy that will live on to feed the next coming generations. Given that I am studying business, my endeavor is start an organization one day that will impact the lives of the people in South Africa, if not the whole world. The literacy rate in South Africa is significantly high, sitting at around 95%. I believe, since reading gave me a different perspective, that by cultivating reading at an early age will develop competent children. The Book Club is by far the first venture to combat the literacy rate and encourage a reading environment.”