Hanze summer school in the Netherlands 2022

Amount: € 11363

Just before the summer, several teachers from Uganda Christian University and the University of Dar es Salaam took part in the Hanze Summer School – Business in Europe. Lecturers stayed in the Netherlands for 3 weeks and experienced the Dutch education system in an international setting. A few months after returning home, we asked our participants about their experience.

Most summer school participants have never been outside the borders of their own country before setting foot on Dutch soil, but were eager to broaden their experience and gain a new perspective from a personal and business perspective. This was the main motivation to participate in the Summer School.

One of the participating teachers, Aston, said he noticed a big hierarchy difference. In the Netherlands, communication between teachers and students is informal and students are allowed to disagree with the teachers. John was particularly impressed with the technology in the classrooms. All teachers indicated that they want to apply new methods at home.

Florence mentioned that the Dutch lifestyle is very fast-paced, serious and career-oriented. She explains that everything is much calmer at home in Uganda and she had to really get used to the fast pace. For example the punctuality, it really is a “big deal” if you are late for an appointment. In Uganda it is customary and normal to be late.

During the Summer School, the teachers visited various companies. Aston and Florence emphasized the importance of discussing real examples of theory in class. When visiting the companies, you can notice the impact in the community. They would also like to see that in Uganda.

A trip to the Netherlands is not complete without a bike ride. All teachers received a bicycle upon arrival. John said this was unique to him because in Uganda cycling is for the poor, but here everyone cycles.

All the teachers said it was an unforgettable experience and hope to come back one day!
